Medical Care for Patients with Acute Acetic Acid Poisoning with Exotoxic Shock

  • (1)  Quvatov Z. S.            Bukhara branch of RNCEMP, Bukhara, Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Abdurahmonov M. M.            Bukhara branch of RNCEMP, Bukhara, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



acetic acid poisoning, interleukins, procalciotonin, systemic inflammatory response, sepsis


Relevance: Due to the wide availability of acetic acid, acute poisoning with acetic acid is one of the most common etiological factors of household poisoning throughout Uzbekistan, and their specific gravity is quite large from 8.5 to 14.7%, and the mortality rate reaches 19 - 22.5%.

The aim of the study was to identify early markers of the development of systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis manifestations in patients with severe acute acetic acid poisoning.

Materials and methods: The study was conducted in 124 patients with acute acetic acid poisoning. As indicators of the activity of inflammation, the following were studied: the content of IL-6, IL - 10 and procalcitonin (PCT) in blood serum.

Results: The increase of IL-6 content in the blood of patients to the level of 54-214 pg/ml at admission was determined. With the development of sepsis, an increased concentration of IL-6 (up to 115 pg/ml) was observed up to the fifth day. The IL-10 content in the blood of patients with subsequent sepsis upon admission was significantly higher (56-113 pg/ml) than in the blood of patients without sepsis. The concentration of IL-10 correlated with the development of sepsis (r=0.8) and the frequency of deaths (r=0.5). The content of PCT increased starting from the third day in patients with sepsis to a level exceeding the diagnostic value for sepsis (2 ng/ml).


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How to Cite

S., Q. Z. ., & M., A. M. . (2022). Medical Care for Patients with Acute Acetic Acid Poisoning with Exotoxic Shock. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 143-145.


