Effect of Bamiya (H IBISCUS ESCULENTUS L.) Steel Height on the Productivity of New Samples

  • (1)  Ibragimov Bahodir Akmal ugli            Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (PhD) Deputy Director for Research and Innovation of the Research Institute of Vegetable, Melon crops and Potato, Tashkent- 111106, Kuksaroy street 3, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author




Okra, variety, fruit, technical ripening, biological ripening, number of fruits, fruit weight


The task was set to study a set of samples of early-ripening, high-yielding, export-oriented, medicinal, nutritious varieties of okra, an unknown vegetable for our country, and to select and introduce varieties suitable for the climatic conditions of our republic. Due to the fact that okra is a new non-traditional crop for Uzbekistan and there are no varieties of this crop allowed for planting in our country, 11 varieties from different countries were compared with each other. As okra is a new unique vegetable crop grown in Uzbekistan, it is the optimal planting time for main vegetables in Tashkent region, and 40-45-day-old seedlings in pots were planted in the open field on the second 10 days of April. This article describes the extent to which the height of the stems of planted seedlings affects the yield.


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How to Cite

ugli, I. B. A. . (2022). Effect of Bamiya (H IBISCUS ESCULENTUS L.) Steel Height on the Productivity of New Samples. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 113-118. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v25i.1364


