National Identity Issues Based on Analysis of Terracota Samples Found in Uzbekistan Questions of National Identity on The Basis of the Analysis of Terracota Samples Found in Uzbekistan

  • (1)  Abdullaeva Mushtariy Makhmud kizi            Junior Research Fellow, Department of Interdisciplinary Research, National Archaeological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


identity, national identity,, Uzbekistan, self-awareness, woman, terracotta, woman goddess


The introduction of the concept of identity into science has a special place in the development of the socio-humanitarian sphere. Self-awareness is formed at the subconscious level and is manifested at the level of thinking, reflecting the views of individuals who seek to preserve their national identity. We can also see the manifestation of national identity in the attitude of this society towards women. There is also a strong emphasis on the scientific study of the role of women in society at a time when the process of integration and globalization is gaining momentum. In this situation, it is important to analyze the role of women in different societies and periods on the basis of archaeological and anthropological sources.


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How to Cite

Abdullaeva Mushtariy Makhmud kizi. (2022). National Identity Issues Based on Analysis of Terracota Samples Found in Uzbekistan Questions of National Identity on The Basis of the Analysis of Terracota Samples Found in Uzbekistan. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 86-91. Retrieved from


