Growth of Clusters of Thermodonors in p-Silicon Under Gamma Irradiation

  • (1)  Оdil Raximov            Associate Professor at the Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


embryos, thermodonor, centers, effective cross-section, quasi-point defects, proper-point defects, NA acceptors and ND donors


It is confirmed that quasi-point clusters of donor–type defects occur in p-Si grown by the Chokhralsky method at temperatures (600 ° C and 900 ° C), the content of 3 to 10 defects in each. No such accumulations were found in pSi that were not subjected to heat treatment.

It has been experimentally established that as a result of gamma irradiation, clusters of donors in pSi grow (the number of donors included in them increases) if there are nuclei of clusters in the non-irradiated material.


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How to Cite

Оdil Raximov. (2022). Growth of Clusters of Thermodonors in p-Silicon Under Gamma Irradiation. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 21-27. Retrieved from


