The Essence of Foreign Psychologists and Eric Fromm and IBN Sina's "Theories in the Formation of the Person to Develop."

  • (1)  Alisherova Zulfiya Tolibdjanovna            Lecturer at the Department of "Methods of teaching social sciences" of the Pedagogical Institute of AUL  

    (*) Corresponding Author



humanistic theory, behavior, motive, spiritual need, consciousness, unconsciousness, the principle of , urbanization, urbanizationloneliness, alienation, personality, needs, neurosis, communication, social relations, morality, humanity


This article describes the theories of foreign psychologists on which mental factors the forces that motivate a person are based. G. Allport. The essence of the theories of A. Maslow, Russian psychologists and Z. Freud is compared. Eric F. Rom's theory of "Escape from Freedom is Alienation" is inextricably linked with the idea of the Eastern thinker Ibn Sina that "humanity - the social interaction of people encourages one to live and strive."

According to Ibn Sina, human beings can help each other to acquire good manners by satisfying their material and spiritual needs through contact with others. It has been scientifically shown that


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How to Cite

Tolibdjanovna, A. Z. (2022). The Essence of Foreign Psychologists and Eric Fromm and IBN Sina’s "Theories in the Formation of the Person to Develop.". Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 25, 17-20.


