Preparing Future K Primary School Teachers to Teach Equations to School Students

  • (1)  Rajabov Sukhrob Khodayberdiyevich            SamDUKF Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Associate Professor  

    (*) Corresponding Author


small, identity, equality, inequality, From the basic concepts of mathematics, the concepts of


In order to observe, analyze, and influence, albeit partially, all the processes that take place in nature and society, it is necessary to know the mathematical formula of these processes. The concept of equations is widely used not only in mathematical sciences but also in all exact and natural sciences. That is why the science of mathematics is recognized by all scientists as the main key to the study of all sciences.


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How to Cite

Rajabov Sukhrob Khodayberdiyevich. (2022). Preparing Future K Primary School Teachers to Teach Equations to School Students. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 24, 293-296. Retrieved from


