Formation of Skills for Independent Research and Analysis of Information in Future Teachers as A Pedagogical Problem

  • (1)  Muratova Nafisa Baratovna            Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Department of Interfaculty Pedagogy. Samarkand. Uzbekistan.  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Information retrieval, analysis, independent thinking, individual learning trajectory, creative thinking, practical skills, critical thinking, organization, competence, methodology, technology


This article describes the results of research on the formation of independent research and analysis of information in higher education students, the direction of the formation of independent thinking of students on the basis of experience and the content and essence of systematic work on its implementation.


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How to Cite

Muratova Nafisa Baratovna. (2022). Formation of Skills for Independent Research and Analysis of Information in Future Teachers as A Pedagogical Problem. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 24, 285-288. Retrieved from


