Evaluation of the Efficacy of Therapy for Patients Suffering From Reflux-Induced Asthma in the Arid Zone
reflux-induced asthma, laser therapy, spirography, blood rheology, immunityAbstract
The complex effect of low-intensity infrared laser therapy on the course of reflux-induced asthma (RIA) in 29 patients, aged 18-46 years, living in the arid zone of the Bukhara region, was studied. It has been shown that the use of the laser therapy method quickly stops the obstruction phenomenon, and reduces the symptoms of intoxication, coughing, and asthma attacks. The terms of hospitalization are reduced by an average of 2-3 days. Indicators of bronchial patency FEV 1.0, FEV 75%, and FEV 50% respectively increased in group I by 25.6%, 23.7%, and 23.4%. The growth of IgA amounted to 0.2%, while IgG decreased by 12%. Due to the decrease in agglomerated platelets, the number of solitary platelets increased from 65.46± 2.2% to 82.5± 0.89%.
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