Analysis of Syntactical Properties of the Literary Text (Based on the Work "Riding the Yellow Giant")

  • (1)  Nomonova Rozakhon Nomonjon kizi            Farg`ona davlat universiteti “O’zbek tili va adabiyoti” kafedrasi assistenti. Assistant of the Department of “Uzbek Language and Literature” of Fergana State University  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Speech, fiction, syntax, rhetoric, monologue, antithesis, ellipsis, alliteration


The author of the essay uses an artistic study of Khudoiberdi Tokhtaboyev's work "Riding the Yellow Giant" to describe the syntactic aspects of the text. The play examines the growing effectiveness of the literary text as a means of expressive speech, which is a key factor in the widespread use of the syntactic method, and demonstrates once more that content-stabilized speech flows, which play an important role in literature as a means of expressive speech, are syntactic and stylistic figures.


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Nomaniva Ruzakhon Nomonjon kizi, Mukaddas Abdurakhimovna Tadjibayeva “THE EXPRESSION OF THE IDEA OF ENLIGHTENMENT IN THE POETRY OF HAMZA HAKIMZODA”//ACADEMICIA:An International multidisciplinary Research Journal.Vol.10,Issue 11, November 2020. 1272-1276

Nomaniva Ruzakhon Nomonjon kizi, Mukaddas Abdurakhimovna Tadjibayeva “Musammat and his special place in Hamza Hakimzoda’s poetry”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISCOVERIES AND INNOVATIONS IN APPLIED SCIENCES (IJDIAS) Volume 1. No 4(sep 2021) 63-67



How to Cite

Nomonova Rozakhon Nomonjon kizi. (2022). Analysis of Syntactical Properties of the Literary Text (Based on the Work "Riding the Yellow Giant"). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 311-315.



Philosophy. Psychology. Religion