Anatomical Structure of Reproductive Organs of Chickens in the Egg Direction
reproductive, avian, morphological, poultry, ovarian, functional, ovarianepithelial, ventral, dorsal, proteinaceousAbstract
This article provides information based on the analysis of the literature on the anatomical structure of the reproductive organs (oviduct, funnel, protein section and isthmus of the oviduct) of laying hens in postnatal ontogenesisPoultry is one of the most efficient, highly profitable and promising sectors of animal husbandry, as it is not seasonal, unlike other industries, and plays a leading role in providing food to the population throughout the year. Therefore, one of the main tasks in improving selection and breeding is to study the functional morphology of birds. Knowledge of the age-related structural and functional characteristics of reproduction is also needed to develop theoretical generalizations of the age morphology of the reproductive organs, to increase productivity, increase the number of herds and timely differential diagnosis of reproductive diseases, to solve practical problems is necessary. The reproductive organs of chickens include the oviduct and ovaries
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