Clinical and Functional Assessment of the Quality of Prosthetics for Dental Implants Using Early Functional Loads

  • (1)  Akhmadjanov M.            Master-Resident of the 1st Year of the Department “Hospital Orthopedic Dentistry” Tgsi  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Functional, Prosthetics, Functional Loads


In recent years, the interest of domestic dentists in the use of dental implants for prosthetics of dentition defects has increased. The success of dental implantation is largely ensured by the correct determination of the indications for its implementation and the choice of the optimal implant design. The most common today is the technique of intraosseous implantation.

The method of dental implantation has found wide application in the replacement of dental defects. First of all, this concerns osteointegrated implants with an axisymmetric (screw, cylindrical) intraosseous part. The term of operation of modern implants significantly exceeds 10 years. With the help of dental implants, the quality of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with partial or complete absence of teeth increases dramatically, since implants allow the manufacture of non-removable denture structures with dastally unlimited defects of the dentition and with complete absence of teeth [ ].


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How to Cite

M., A. (2022). Clinical and Functional Assessment of the Quality of Prosthetics for Dental Implants Using Early Functional Loads. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 24, 216-219. Retrieved from


