Study of Somatic Phraseological Units in Karakalpak Language

  • (1)  Shinnazarova Saodat            Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


phraseology, somatism, sema, lexics, semantics, phonetics, component, concept, linguocultural analysis,


The article deals with the question of studying somatic phraseologcal units in Turkic languages ,in particular Karakalpak language. Great attention is paid to the analysis of somatic phraseologcal units In textbooks for higher education students. Overview is given to the first published  dictionaries of phraseological units. Critical thoughts on somatic phraseologcal units in Karakalpak  language , especially in language of folklore and  fiction were mentioned. The fact that there are no special dictionaries on somatic phraseologcal units or special research works in Karakalpak linguistics up to now is one of the actual problems  today.

Somatic phraseologcal units on the example of texts of fiction have  been studied only in articles. In particular, they were analyzed on  the example of J. Seytaev, G. Esemuratova, I. Yusupov, T. Qayıpbergenov and M. Nizanov’s works. And we can see  somatic phraseologcal units in folklore in the structure of proverbs. Some examples on components of somatic phraseologcal units were given in G.Aynazarova’s work. Somatic phraseologcal units, their phonetic, semantic construction, lexical-semantic meaning, linguocultural analysis was set as the scientific object which is waiting its solution.

Today, some directions have appeared in  linguistics that study the laws of the entire linguistics.


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How to Cite

Saodat, S. (2022). Study of Somatic Phraseological Units in Karakalpak Language. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 24, 166-170. Retrieved from


