Socio-Economic Situation of Auls (Villages) of Karakalpakstan During Land and Water Reform

  • (1)  A. A. Abdukarimov            Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan, Nukus  

    (*) Corresponding Author



congress, Karakalpak Autonomous Region, dehkans, volost, region, district, land industry, water industry


This article is about socio-economic situation of auls (villages) of Karakalpakstan during land and water reform. At the IX Congress of Soviets of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in September 1920, were approved directives for the implementation of land and water reform. During this period, in the Amu Darya region, rental land use was allowed with the lease of land for a period not exceeding three years. For materials there have been used information of Central state archive of The Republic of Uzbekistan


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How to Cite

A. A. Abdukarimov. (2022). Socio-Economic Situation of Auls (Villages) of Karakalpakstan During Land and Water Reform. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 239-245.


