The Importance of Creating Competitive Industrial Chains in Industrial Sectors and Increasing the Efficiency of Investment Projects

  • (1)  Eshkuziev Oxunjon Oybek oglu            TSUE 2nd year basic doctoral student  

    (*) Corresponding Author



competitive industrial chains, investment, investment environment, investment projects, direct investment


This article highlights the importance of creating competitive industrial chains in industries and increasing the efficiency of investment projects using the opportunities of the investment environment. In addition, an analytical approach to the state of production of industrial sectors and proposals and recommendations for increasing the volume of investment on the basis of investment projects to ensure a competitive industrial chain have been developed.


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How to Cite

oglu, E. O. O. . (2022). The Importance of Creating Competitive Industrial Chains in Industrial Sectors and Increasing the Efficiency of Investment Projects. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 186-189.


