Learning of Brotherly Languages

  • (1)  P. Urazboyev            Teacher of the Uzbek language department of Nukus State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


education, Karakalpak, Uzbek, sister languages, pedagogue, educational technologies


In addition to the general didactic principles we have mentioned above, there are the following specific principles in the teaching of Uzbek (the state language) in schools with Karakalpak language of instruction, which arise from the nature of the subject.


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Bektoshev SH. Using the game method in mother tongue lessons. // Language and literature education. 1993, 5 -6 -combined issue, 15- 16 -p.

Berdimuratov Y.E. "Lexicology of the modern Karakalpak language". Nokis, Karakalpakstan, 1968-320 p.

Samad's son, R. S., & Kamoliddin's son, I. N. (2021, October). Reforms in Education. In "ONLINE-CONFERENCES" PLATFORM (pp. 138-140).

Shamshetova, Y. M., & Elmuratova, S. A. (2021). Phonological Structure of Borrowed Words in the Karakalpak. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 58 (2), 1198-1204.



How to Cite

Urazboyev, P. . (2022). Learning of Brotherly Languages. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 152-153. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1210



Language and Literature