Psychological Security of the Individual in the Educational Environment

  • (1)  Qurbonova Nigara Baxtiyorovna            Tashkent Institute of architecture and construction  

    (*) Corresponding Author



educational environment, psychological violence, general education


institution is an urgent practical task for the system of domestic education, the development of which over the past five years can be designated as a "stable period of functioning", according to some authors, is possible only conditionally enough. A higher education institution is a complex organization functioning according to clearly defined laws and rules, solving an extremely important task - the training and education of competent competitive specialists who are in demand not only in their country, but also at the level of the international community.


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How to Cite

Baxtiyorovna, Q. N. . (2022). Psychological Security of the Individual in the Educational Environment. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 109-112.


