Methodology of Teaching Technology in Secondary Schools

  • (1)  Odinayev Akmal Kucharovich            Senior Lecturer, Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology  

  • (2)  Kucharov Sardorbek Akmalovich            Termez State University teacher  

  • (3)  Zokirov Asadbek Qorajonovich            Termez State University, a student of "Technological Education"  

    (*) Corresponding Author



Technological education, pedagogical technology, technological map, machines, identical, complex design, traditional methods, modernity, science, new pedagogical technologies


The article describes the content of the use of educational technology in the development of methods of teaching technology in secondary schools.


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How to Cite

Kucharovich, O. A. ., Akmalovich, K. S. ., & Qorajonovich, Z. A. . (2022). Methodology of Teaching Technology in Secondary Schools. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 73-79.




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