Epidemiological and Epizootic Problems of Agricultural Аnimalsand Birds Tuberculosis

  • (1)  Fayziev U. M.            Scientific-research institute of veterinary, R. of Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Mamadullaev G. Kh.            Scientific-research institute of veterinary, R. of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author




agricultural, birds, tuberculosis


The article presents the Epidemiological, epizootic and socio-economic problems of animal and birds tuberculosis, the infectivity of human and bovine tuberculosis to different types of animals and birds, for humans, as well as measures to prevent the disease.


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How to Cite

M., F. U., & Kh., M. G. . (2022). Epidemiological and Epizootic Problems of Agricultural Аnimalsand Birds Tuberculosis. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 26-30. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v23i.1179


