International Students: Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language

  • (1)  Berdikulova Nigina Mirsoliyevna            Department of Far Eastern Languages teacher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages  

    (*) Corresponding Author


foreign language, Japanese, cooperation, degree


This article discusses the importance of learning foreign languages especially Japanese, the current state, and the role of the Japanese in today’s life of Uzbek people as well as provide several recommendations to spread this language in this country.

As, of May 6, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on measures to improve the system of teaching foreign languages, several improvements have been made in this sector. It should be noted that learning foreign languages can benefit both at the individual and governmental levels. Therefore, foreign languages have been prioritized at a governmental scale for the last decade in our country. On this basis, the issue of attitudes to foreign language teaching is addressed in the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 19, 2021 No PP-5117 "On measures to bring the promotion of foreign languages in the Republic of Uzbekistan to a qualitatively new level": "... education in foreign languages.


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Based on the official data of

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How to Cite

Mirsoliyevna, B. N. . (2022). International Students: Learning Japanese as a Foreign Language. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 1-7. Retrieved from


