Forms and Methods of Work to Increase the Strong Motivation of Students to Learn in Partnership with the Family, Community, School

  • (1)  Asrorjon Bakhromovich Mahmudjonov            Department of Pedagogy Kokand State Pedagogical Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


student, adolescent, process, behavior, spirituality, motivation, attitude


This article describes the stages of formation and development of interest in education at a young age, and provides feedback on the work done with students at these stages. As part of our research, it is especially important to identify the stages in the formation of students' learning motivations. In this process, it is possible to distinguish three interrelated, gradually developing stages in the formation of learning motivation in students. This article explores the stages in shaping students’learning motivations.


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How to Cite

Mahmudjonov, A. B. . (2022). Forms and Methods of Work to Increase the Strong Motivation of Students to Learn in Partnership with the Family, Community, School. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 251-253. Retrieved from


