The Creative Heritage of Great Scientists: The Development of Pedagogical Thinking

  • (1)  A.G. Alijanov            Kokand state pedagogical institute, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Eastern Renaissance, education, teachings, great scientists, great writers and scholars, pedagogical thinking


Knowing the essence of this historical process shows us that human thinking has been formed in a very long time and in complex conditions. In studying our cultural riches in the historical process, we rely on the creative heritage of great writers and scholars as the main source. Especially during the Eastern Renaissance, pure pedagogical works were created, and the scientific works of educators, known for their immortal teachings on private and general methods of human development in education, are still valued today.


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How to Cite

Alijanov, A. . (2022). The Creative Heritage of Great Scientists: The Development of Pedagogical Thinking . Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 247-250. Retrieved from


