Formation and Development of Environmental Ethics as an Important Factor in Stabilizing the Environmental Situation in Uzbekistan and Overcoming Global Environmental Problems

  • (1)  Z. A. Abduazimova            Doctor of Philosophy Senior Lecturer, Department of Ethics and Aesthetics National University of Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author


education, development, ecological ethics, ethical relations, globalization, dynamics


The article is aimed at identifying the optimal ways of forming the relationship between environmental education and environmental moral culture in the spirit of a highly spiritual and enlightened person. In the dynamics of the rapid development of globalization processes, environmental education seeks to reveal the formation of the foundations of environmental education, the integration of interactive methods of ethical relations.


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How to Cite

Abduazimova, Z. A. . (2022). Formation and Development of Environmental Ethics as an Important Factor in Stabilizing the Environmental Situation in Uzbekistan and Overcoming Global Environmental Problems. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 239-242. Retrieved from



Political Science