The Interaction of the use of Economic Potential in the Field of Tourism with the Strategy of Territorial Socio-Economic Development

  • (1)  Halbaev Shahriyor Abdullaevich            Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov  

    (*) Corresponding Author



potential, resource potential, tourism potential, economic potential in the field of tourism, economic growth, economic development


The article describes the theoretical aspects of the use of economic potential in the field of tourism, the principles of resource potential management and the interaction of resource potential with the strategy of regional socio-economic development. It also develops proposals on improving the efficiency of using the economic potential in the sphere of sector.


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Author's developments.



How to Cite

Abdullaevich, H. S. . (2022). The Interaction of the use of Economic Potential in the Field of Tourism with the Strategy of Territorial Socio-Economic Development. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 230-235.



Social Sciences