Improvement of Early Diagnosis and Orthodontic Treatment in Children with Dental Anomalies and Deformities

  • (1)  Olimov S. Sh.            Bukhara State Dental Institute  

  • (2)  Fozilov U. A.            Bukhara State Dental Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Diagnosis, Orthodontic, Deformities, Anomalies


The prevalence of dental anomalies according to WHO is on average at least 50% (WHO, Geneva, 2007). According to the data. The National Institute of Dentistry of the USA 40% of the total population have anomalies of tooth development and various disorders of jaw formation. Moreover, 15% of these individuals require surgical intervention to eliminate them. The issues of timely elimination and elimination of factors that negatively affect the normal formation of the dental complex are very relevant[1.3.5].


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How to Cite

Sh., O. S. ., & A., F. U. (2022). Improvement of Early Diagnosis and Orthodontic Treatment in Children with Dental Anomalies and Deformities. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 185-189. Retrieved from


