Clinical Experience with the use of Bacterial Lysates in Modern Medicine

  • (1)  Kamolova Feruza Rahmatilloyevna            Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the Bukhara State Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences  

  • (2)  Tolibova Munira Izzatullayevna            Assistant of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry  

    (*) Corresponding Author


microbes, disease prevention, viral and bacterial infection, entrance gate, oral cavity, body defenses, purulent infection


One of the promising areas in the treatment and prevention of many diseases is the use of immunocorrective agents. Zoryan E.V. (1999) believes that one of the promising areas that increase the effectiveness of therapy, allowing for the prevention of many diseases, including inflammatory ones, and their relapses, is immunostimulants (levamisole, prodigiosin, T-activin).

They have a greater effect on general immunity and when using them, one should take into account the initial immune status of the patient and, if necessary, consult with immunologists.


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How to Cite

Rahmatilloyevna, K. F. ., & Izzatullayevna, T. M. . (2022). Clinical Experience with the use of Bacterial Lysates in Modern Medicine. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 139-142. Retrieved from




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