Legal Issues on the Recognition of Ownership of Unauthorized Residential Premises in the Republic of Uzbekistan

  • (1)  Kurbanova Khurshida            Lecturer at the Tashkent State law university  

    (*) Corresponding Author


unauthorized construction, ownership, squatting of territory, demolition, land plot


The article deals with the issues of recognizing the ownership of illegally built premises in Uzbekistan. The institution of unauthorized construction is analyzed as an object of civil legal relations. It is concluded that Part 4 of Article 212 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan should be reworded.


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How to Cite

Khurshida, K. . (2022). Legal Issues on the Recognition of Ownership of Unauthorized Residential Premises in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 82-86. Retrieved from



Political Science