Lexical Polysemy of the Russian Language

  • (1)  Zhuraeva Mukhtasarkhon Abdukakhhorovna            Acting Associate Professor, Kokand state pedagogical institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan  

    (*) Corresponding Author




semasiology, polysemy, semantics, synonyms, lexicography


This article is about polysemy, which is one of the most popular subjects in linguistics. The goal of the study is to provide the most comprehensive explanation of the Russian language's lexical polysemy. We identify the tasks that will help us reach the goal: define the phenomenon, trace the history of word polysemy in the Russian language, describe the processes that lead to polysemy, and distinguish polysemy from other phenomena in the Russian language. An explanation of the reasons for the appearance of polysemy, a variation of the semantic structure of a term with polysemy, and the separation of types of semantic modifications are also included in the list of duties. It was also vital to show the variations between the tropes: metonymy, synecdoche, metaphor, litote, epithet, irony, symphora, hyperbole, and paraphrase, in order to demonstrate the many sorts of meaning transfer from one word to another. In practice, we'll be able to use what we've learned in classroom materials and as a theoretical knowledge base for future scientific papers. The work's importance is demonstrated by the topic's controversial nature in the scientific community, as well as the rising, and hence less investigated, stock of word meanings. It will also aid in the learning of many foreign language visuals.


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How to Cite

Abdukakhhorovna, Z. M. . (2022). Lexical Polysemy of the Russian Language. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 22, 77-81. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v22i.1111




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