Flying into Infinity on the Wings of Stupidity

  • (1)  Toirova Dilfuza Fayzullayevna            Dcs in philological sciences, associate professor Head of the Department of "Languages" of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies  

    (*) Corresponding Author


life, movement, piles, awakening, creativity, flourishing, aesthetics


The article examines the work of Flaubert, in which the most difficult problems are posed - social, psychological, scientific. The masses of human experiences have been investigated, explained in shades that had not previously attracted the attention of artists. And these explanations are so clear and often so true that the smallest detail acquires the extraordinary power of artistic typicality. The work reveals the broadest pictures of modern society. Of course, there is not that huge crowd of characters that moves in Balzac's "The Human Comedy". Flaubert's characters cannot be counted in thousands or hundreds. But in these comparatively few heroes, Flaubert embodied the typical features of his modernity with an amazing power of condensation. These are "deep" heroes, since behind them are hidden tendencies of social development, the fate of many people, something close and familiar to everyone. They are heroes that make one think, and these reflections lead the modern reader to conclusions that Flaubert himself did not think about.


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How to Cite

Fayzullayevna, T. D. . (2022). Flying into Infinity on the Wings of Stupidity. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 20, 167-179. Retrieved from


