Principles of Dictionary Interpretation of Stylistically Colored Phraseological Units

  • (1)  Shukurova Ramina Djalolitdinovna            Senior teacher Department of "Languages" of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Phraseological units, Verbal phraseological units, stylistically colored words, types of litters, stylistic characteristic of phraseological units


The problem of dictionary interpretation of the stylistic and connotative aspect of the meaning of phraseological units is currently one of the most relevant in the latest theory of general and Romano-Germanic phraseology. The intensive development of phraseology as an independent linguistic discipline has led to the formation of separate areas in the study of the phraseological fund of languages, including English.


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How to Cite

Djalolitdinovna, S. R. . (2022). Principles of Dictionary Interpretation of Stylistically Colored Phraseological Units. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 20, 162-166. Retrieved from


