Stimulating the Development of Russian Written Speech on the Internet

  • (1)  Usmanova Nasiba Makhmudovna            Senior teacher of the Samarkand State Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute  

    (*) Corresponding Author


written speech, methods, texts from the Internet, motivation, communication, writing techniques


The article discusses the features of teaching writing on the basis of multi-genre texts from the Internet and presents a teaching methodology using mobile technologies that can stimulate and motivate students to learn Russian as a foreign language, since written speech is the form of communication on the network that connects spoken and book varieties of writing. The article also analyzes and studies the features of "display texts", which can be used as examples for creating text presentations, where students will be able to present any genre of written speech in image, sound and movement.  It is considered as a creative task that tests the assimilation and knowledge of the use of genres of written speech of students and can be performed using modern methods and technologies of teaching in a group or independently using mobile devices.


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How to Cite

Makhmudovna, U. N. . (2022). Stimulating the Development of Russian Written Speech on the Internet. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 20, 157-161. Retrieved from


