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Boymatov, I. M. , Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Boymuratovich, Rasulov Bekzod , Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Construction
Boyqobil kizi, Norkobilova Zarina , Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology Karshi State University Karshi, Uzbekistan
Bozorov, I. T. , Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Budiono, Novericko Ginger , Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Buribaevich, Murotmusaev Komiljon , Oriental University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Associate Professor,Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Burxonjon qizi, Ashurova Shahina, PhD student at Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research, Tashkent

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