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Safoyevich, Jumaniyozov Xushnud , Associate Professor of TSPU, Candidate of Political Science
Sagales , Reina Celine , Salcedo Vocational High School
Sagdullaevich, Gaibullaev Kamolzhon , Senior Lecturer – Head of Meteorological Service of Higher Military Aviation School of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sagdullaevich, Reyimbaev Shuxrat , Dotsent ,Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Sagdullayevich, Reimbayev Shukhrat , Candidate of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent institute of architecture and civil engineering
Sah, Subhash Kumar , Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Sandip University, Madhubani, Bihar, India
Saidakhmedovich, Sharipov Tulkin , Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of "Real Economics"
Saidjamol Kadirjanovich, Mahmudov , Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor of "Organization of Industrial Production", Candidate of Economic Sciences
Saidov, Halim , Professor, Doctor of philological sciences, Journalism and Mass Communications University of Uzbekistan
Saidovna, Djurayeva Perdegul , Navai Regional Institute of in-service training of pedagogs
Saidovna, Djurayeva Perdegul , Senior lecturer of the Navai Regional in-service and retraining center of public education staff
Saini, Dr. Jagdish Narayan, Director, Physical Education, Government College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Saleem, Sana , MPhil Economics, School of Economics Quaid e Azam University Islamabad
Salikhova, O.A. , Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Samadovich, Azimov Sanjar, Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Samadovich, Saidov Mashal , Tashkent State Economic University Candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor
Samatova, Dr. Barnokhon , PhD, associate professor at Specialized Branch of Tashkent State University of Law
Samigova, Khushnuda Batirovna , Professor of the English language translation theory department, Uzbekistan state world languages university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Sanoat Rakhmonovna, Zohidova , Dean of the Faculty of Preschool Education of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute of Samarkand State University, Associate Professor, PhD
Saodat, Shinnazarova, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, Uzbekistan
Saputra, Nanda , STIT Al-Hilal Sigli, Indonesia
Sarbinaz Saburovna, Saburova , Practicing psychologist at School No. 6 in Nukus
Sardor, Alobitdinov , Master student, Tashkent branch of Samarkand state university of veterinary medicine, livestock and biotechnologies
Satimova, N. , Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz
Sattarovich, Kambarov Nodirjon, Teacher, master Aikido, Uzbekistan

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