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o'g'li, Abdurasulov Nazirjon Nabijon , Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology Teacher of English language
O. , Allaniyazov, Assistant of Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
O., Ayinde, Abayomi , University of Ibadan (Public Health Epidemiology)
O., Ohibime E.
O. M., Nazirova, Namangan institute of engineering and technology
O. R., Abdurakhmonov , Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, department of “Information-communication systems of controlling technological processes” Bukhara engineering-technological institute, Bukhara city, Uzbekistan
O. T. , Rajabov, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Breeding and Biotechnology
O.E., Idiev, Bukhara State Medical Institute
Obidjanovich, Abdilalimov Akmaljon , Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology, Assistant Professor of "Accounting, Analysis and Auditing".
Obidova, Orasta Azamovna, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
Obidovna, Djalilova Zarnigor , Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino English chair
Obidovna, Hamidova Muhayoxon, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor, etc, Namangan State University
Oblakluovich, Korzhavov Sherali , Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Oblakulovich, Korzhavov Sherali, student Samarkand State medical institute Uzbekistan
Obloqul qizi, Mamanazarova Madina, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Obuyes, MA. Glena A. , Researcher, Department of Education, Schools Division of Quezon Province, Philippines
Obuyes, Monroe L. , Researcher, Department of Education, Schools Division of Quezon Province, Philippines
Ochildieva, Kh. G. , Teacher of Russian language and literature of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Odiljon ugli, Akramov Azimjon
Odinakhon Ravshanbekovna, Rakhmanova , Lecturer at the Department of World History of the Fergana State University
Ogilkhan, Abdubakiyeva , Master of the Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
ogli, Ergashev Shoxrux Vosiljon , Basic doctoral student of Tashkent State Transport University
Ogli, Fayzullayev Avaz Rustam , TDTUTF Student, Termiz City
ogli, Ismoilov Asadbek Kamoliddin , Department of Transport Structures and Motor Roads Road Engineering 3 A-20 group student
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