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Mamurova Maftuna , Bukhara State University
Manasova I. S., Bukhara Medical Institute, Senior Lecturer
Mansur Kholmurzaev, Associate Professor of Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Manzura Abdukadyrovna Buranova, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Maqsudova Mokhigul Usmonovna, Teachers of ESP for Humanitarian Subjects Foreign Languages Faculty Bukhara State University
Mardanov Eshim Muratovich , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education
Mardanov Eshim Muratovich
Marvan Muzher, Postgraduate student of the International Academy of Personnel Management
Mashkhura Muzafarovna Yuldasheva , Teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methods, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Master Jamshid Khamroev, Bukhara State University
Master Mirfayz Nurullaev, Bukhara State University
Master Muxabbat Khalimova, Bukhara State University
Master Ruxsora Yadgarova, Bukhara State University
Mavlonova Gulchexra Gulomovna, Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology. Uzbekistan
Maxbuba Sharipova Baxshilloyevna, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Maxbuba Sharipovna Boltaeva
Mehmonov Maksud Rabbonokul ugli, Assistant at the Navoi State Mining Institute
Menlimuratova Elmira Azatovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, docent Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Uzbekistan
Mirkosimova Hulkar Mirabidovna, 1st year master's degree in pedagogy and psychology Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region. Uzbekistan.
Mirxanova Gulandom Rustamovna, A teacher of the faculty of Primary education teaching theory, BSU
Mirzaeva Firuza Avazovna, Bukhara State Medical Institute Assistant of the Department of Surgical Dentistry
Mirzaeva Nilufar, Psychologist Secretariat Tashkents State Technical University
Mirzamashrabov Jahongir, Astrakhan State Technical University" in the Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Mirzayeva Sayyora Rustamovna , PhD of Psychological Sciences, Department of Psychology. Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region. Uzbekistan.
Miyene Charles Tom, Department of Marketing, Ignatius Ajuru University of EducationPort Harcourt, Rivers state [email protected] study investigated consumer environmental consciousness and brand preference in Rivers State. The study sought to establish the extent to which brand sound influence repeat purchase of power generating plants, the extent to which brand heat generation influence customer referral of power generating plants and the extent which green protection determine customer loyalty of power generating plants in Rivers State.The study adopted descriptive research design. A population of 52 loyal customers of 5 different brands of power generating plants was randomly selected while 47 questionnaires were successfully retrieved for the study. Data was collected by use of questionnaire from the respondents. Three research questions were posed and three hypotheses were tested. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) while inferential statistics Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test the above stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The researcher utilized the Cronbach's Alpha for Reliability Statistics to arrive at 0.75 coefficient reliability, Findings revealed that there is a great correlation between brand sound and customer repeat purchase of power generating plants in Rivers state, that there is a low correlation between brand heat generation and customer referral of power generating plant in Rivers State and that there is a great correlation between green protection and customer loyalty of power generating plant in Rivers State. Consumers in Rivers State should be loyal to power generating plants that emit less carbon monoxide for green house protection.1.IntroductionThehumanenvironmenthadbeensubjectedtopracticesandactivitieswhichthreateningsurvivalinquestforcomfortandsatisfactionsthroughinventionsandinnovationsofsophisticatedmechanicalproductionswithpressureonthenaturalenvironment.IndiscussingthisissuePulse(2016)positsthateverywhereontheplanet,individualsareconfrontingaplentyoftestingenvironmentalissueseachday.Aportionoftheseissuesareirrelevantandjustinfluenceacoupleofbiologicalsystems,howeverothersaredefinitelychangingthesceneoftheearthwe'vegenerallyknown.AnthropogenicchallengeswhicharecausedforthemostpartbyhumanimpedancewiththeenvironmentastalkedaboutbyMillerandSpolman(2009)arepopulacedevelopment,inefficientandimpracticalassetuse,neediness,justasdeficientinformationonhownaturefunctions.Additionally,OfomataandPhil-Eze(2007)recognizedthehelplessutilizationofthestandardsofenvironmentaladministrationasasignificantreasonforaportionoftheenvironmentaldifficultiesontheplanet.Humanexercisesunderwayofrefinedactualizelikeforceplants,agrarianapparatusesandotheroldstylemachinesaddtoenvironmentalcorruptionandcontamination.Theseenvironmentaldifficulties,forexample,anunnaturalweatherchange,overuseofregularassets,depletionofthestratosphericozonelayer,commotioncontamination,airandwatercontamination,ifnotcheckedwilldrivehumankindfrompresence,(Ibimilua,andAdewale,2014).As
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Manasova I. S., Bukhara Medical Institute, Senior Lecturer
Mansur Kholmurzaev, Associate Professor of Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Manzura Abdukadyrovna Buranova, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Maqsudova Mokhigul Usmonovna, Teachers of ESP for Humanitarian Subjects Foreign Languages Faculty Bukhara State University
Mardanov Eshim Muratovich , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory and Methodology of Preschool Education
Mardanov Eshim Muratovich
Marvan Muzher, Postgraduate student of the International Academy of Personnel Management
Mashkhura Muzafarovna Yuldasheva , Teacher of the Department of Primary Education Methods, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Master Jamshid Khamroev, Bukhara State University
Master Mirfayz Nurullaev, Bukhara State University
Master Muxabbat Khalimova, Bukhara State University
Master Ruxsora Yadgarova, Bukhara State University
Mavlonova Gulchexra Gulomovna, Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Department of General Pedagogy and Psychology. Uzbekistan
Maxbuba Sharipova Baxshilloyevna, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Maxbuba Sharipovna Boltaeva
Mehmonov Maksud Rabbonokul ugli, Assistant at the Navoi State Mining Institute
Menlimuratova Elmira Azatovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, docent Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Uzbekistan
Mirkosimova Hulkar Mirabidovna, 1st year master's degree in pedagogy and psychology Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region. Uzbekistan.
Mirxanova Gulandom Rustamovna, A teacher of the faculty of Primary education teaching theory, BSU
Mirzaeva Firuza Avazovna, Bukhara State Medical Institute Assistant of the Department of Surgical Dentistry
Mirzaeva Nilufar, Psychologist Secretariat Tashkents State Technical University
Mirzamashrabov Jahongir, Astrakhan State Technical University" in the Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Mirzayeva Sayyora Rustamovna , PhD of Psychological Sciences, Department of Psychology. Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region. Uzbekistan.
Miyene Charles Tom, Department of Marketing, Ignatius Ajuru University of EducationPort Harcourt, Rivers state [email protected] study investigated consumer environmental consciousness and brand preference in Rivers State. The study sought to establish the extent to which brand sound influence repeat purchase of power generating plants, the extent to which brand heat generation influence customer referral of power generating plants and the extent which green protection determine customer loyalty of power generating plants in Rivers State.The study adopted descriptive research design. A population of 52 loyal customers of 5 different brands of power generating plants was randomly selected while 47 questionnaires were successfully retrieved for the study. Data was collected by use of questionnaire from the respondents. Three research questions were posed and three hypotheses were tested. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) while inferential statistics Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to test the above stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The researcher utilized the Cronbach's Alpha for Reliability Statistics to arrive at 0.75 coefficient reliability, Findings revealed that there is a great correlation between brand sound and customer repeat purchase of power generating plants in Rivers state, that there is a low correlation between brand heat generation and customer referral of power generating plant in Rivers State and that there is a great correlation between green protection and customer loyalty of power generating plant in Rivers State. Consumers in Rivers State should be loyal to power generating plants that emit less carbon monoxide for green house protection.1.IntroductionThehumanenvironmenthadbeensubjectedtopracticesandactivitieswhichthreateningsurvivalinquestforcomfortandsatisfactionsthroughinventionsandinnovationsofsophisticatedmechanicalproductionswithpressureonthenaturalenvironment.IndiscussingthisissuePulse(2016)positsthateverywhereontheplanet,individualsareconfrontingaplentyoftestingenvironmentalissueseachday.Aportionoftheseissuesareirrelevantandjustinfluenceacoupleofbiologicalsystems,howeverothersaredefinitelychangingthesceneoftheearthwe'vegenerallyknown.AnthropogenicchallengeswhicharecausedforthemostpartbyhumanimpedancewiththeenvironmentastalkedaboutbyMillerandSpolman(2009)arepopulacedevelopment,inefficientandimpracticalassetuse,neediness,justasdeficientinformationonhownaturefunctions.Additionally,OfomataandPhil-Eze(2007)recognizedthehelplessutilizationofthestandardsofenvironmentaladministrationasasignificantreasonforaportionoftheenvironmentaldifficultiesontheplanet.Humanexercisesunderwayofrefinedactualizelikeforceplants,agrarianapparatusesandotheroldstylemachinesaddtoenvironmentalcorruptionandcontamination.Theseenvironmentaldifficulties,forexample,anunnaturalweatherchange,overuseofregularassets,depletionofthestratosphericozonelayer,commotioncontamination,airandwatercontamination,ifnotcheckedwilldrivehumankindfrompresence,(Ibimilua,andAdewale,2014).As
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