Family as a fundamental value in human life in the works of L.Ulitskaya (on the example of the novel "Medea and her children", the story "Sonechka")

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L.Ulitskaya, Medea, women's prose, family theme, Sonechka's image, family values, biblical subtext.


The article touches on the topic of family as one of the main ones in modern prose. The family theme occupies a leading place in the works of Ulitskaya, forming the general theme of the writer's creativity. The author comes to the conclusion that the writer, asserting the importance and primacy of the family in society, shows how people's understanding of each other is violated, how spiritual unity between close relatives is lost, but at the same time it shows another life when the family is a protection and support for a person.


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How to Cite

Family as a fundamental value in human life in the works of L.Ulitskaya (on the example of the novel "Medea and her children", the story "Sonechka"). (2023). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 42, 70-73. Retrieved from