Methods of Growing Pumpkin in the Conditions of Karakalpakstan
Vegetable cucurbitaceae, botany, variety, chemical composition, value, sowing scheme, root mass, seed production, agricultural technology, productivityAbstract
In this article , the methods of using fertilizers and their norms in the cultivation of pumpkin varieties in the soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan were studied. Here are the data of scientific studies of the effect of the application of mineral and organic fertilizers on the growth and productivity of pumpkin varieties Spanish-73 and Kashkar-1644 in the conditions of the region according to the 5th variant.
It has been established that biohumuses from organic fertilizers have a high level of efficiency in the collection of high-quality and plentiful crops. The ways and terms of storage of the cultivated crop in the conditions of the region are given. At the end of the event, information is provided on the economic efficiency of agrotechnical measures, the methods used and methods of storage. Conclusions and recommendations for production are given on the basis of information obtained as a result of scientific research.
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