Developing a Sense of Patriotism in Students Through Physical Education as a Pedagogical Problem

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At the new stage of development of Uzbekistan, developing a new system of educating students in the spirit of patriotism has become one of the urgent tasks. Establishing a sense of patriotism in students is an important direction of education, which includes the development of love and respect for the Motherland, its cultural heritage, traditions and history. Physical activity plays an important role in developing a sense of patriotism in students, as it helps to form a healthy lifestyle and develop physical qualities necessary for the protection of the Motherland. Patriotism is the greatest duty of the young generation as a member of society, and it includes such characteristics as loyalty to the family, trust in the future, respect for history, attention to the present day, taking into account the interests of people around, and the ability to distinguish right from wrong.


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How to Cite

Developing a Sense of Patriotism in Students Through Physical Education as a Pedagogical Problem. (2023). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 40, 88-91. Retrieved from