Health Monitoring and Safety System for Underground Mine Workers Using Zigbee
Health Monitoring, Safety System, Underground Mine, Workers, ZigbeeAbstract
Safety is of paramount importance in the mining business. To prevent loss of equipment and injury to workers, underground mines need reliable communication and safety systems. Establishing dependable communication between mobile miners and a stationary base station has been shown to improve mine safety and productivity. It's a part of a module with high accuracy, smooth control, and reliability, a wireless based sensors network is employed to keep tabs on the conditions underneath, and a digital wireless communication technique is provided to automate the transmission of measurement data. The miner is alerted by alarm and buzzer when data is collected and processed by a microcontroller. Maintain efficient wireless communication for data transmission to the monitoring computer at ground control. ZigBee, which is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, is utilised for the short-distance communication between the equipment installed in the coal miners' working region underground and the surface control centre. Staff and workers may keep tabs on each other in real time, allowing for quicker and more informed decision making in the event of an emergency.
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