Library Management in Building Literacy of Madrasah Students

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Management, Libraries, Student Literature


This research is motivated by the importance of the function of library management to increase the conceptual and measurable literal potential of students in madrasah, the development of library management is increasingly important in a more competitive madrasah environment in terms of readiness for planning, organizing and short and long term management. With expectations in accordance with the vision and mission of a committed institution. combines the role of the principal with the creativity of the teacher in forming literal students. The purpose of this study was to find out and describe the forms of planning, organization and implementation of library management at MTsN 3 Pasuruan as well as knowing how the carrying capacity of successful library governance and the inhibiting factors of the library at MTsN 3 Pasuruan. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive method. Data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation study. Data analysis techniques were carried out through descriptive interpretation, testing the validity of the data, extending participation, and auditing. The result of this study indicate library planning is carried out by adjusting the vision and mission and the madrasah head as creator, teacher as educator and librarian as facilitator, organizing is carried out with the accuracy of the main tasks and functions supported by complete guidelines with short and long term targets to make it easier for implementers to achieve institutional targets, implementation carried out according to plan and according to their respective duties.


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How to Cite

Library Management in Building Literacy of Madrasah Students. (2023). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 35, 146-155.