Transformation of Digital Education Systems in The Era of Globalization
System Transfomation, Education, GlobalozationAbstract
The era of globalization demands teacher skills in mastering digital technology media. Teachers delivering material must be professional and in accordance with the needs of students in the era of globalization. Several studies have shown that during the pandemic, teachers adapted to technology quickly, however, there were still many teachers in remote areas far from urban areas who had difficulty implementing digital media learning. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze the transformation of the digital education system in schools that are far from urban areas. The method chosen in this study uses the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method or a literature review. A Systematic Literature Review has been conducted by reviewing all articles related to the transformation of the digital education system in the globalization era for 2017 – 2023. The articles used in this research are 5 national and international accredited journal articles accessed from Science Direct, DOAJ and This research makes a scientific contribution regarding the importance of mastering digital technology as a transformation of the digital education system in the era of globalization.
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