The Effectiveness of Wordpress In Increasing Interest In Learning Mathematics and The Activeness of Elementary School Students In Merdeka Learning
Wordpress, Interest in Learning, Activeness, Independent LearningAbstract
This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the level of effectiveness of using the Wordpress-based Learning Management System in learning mathematics in elementary schools. The learning management system is one of the learning media systems currently used in the implementation of learning in elementary schools. The method used in this study is a mixed method (Mix Method). The first thing the researcher did was to use a quantitative approach with a Quasi Experiment to see how much influence the WordPress system had on student learning interest and student learning activeness. To validate the results of the quantitative research approach, the researchers used qualitative methods to determine the causes of the influence of WordPress on students' learning interest and student learning activeness. The results showed that the use of the wordpress system in learning had an effect on students' learning interest and student learning activeness. This is caused by several factors, for example, the availability of various learning materials and the ease of accessing learning materials. However, this system also tends to make students feel bored because in learning students only tend to look at laptop or cellphone screens without being able to interact directly.
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