Ways to Develop Information Security in Public Education Activities

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Digital economy, public education, information security, information technology, risk assessment, software, database, identification


The following article deals with the digital transformation, ways to improve information security in public education, where the exchange of information and the creation of new databases in public education, as well as their security is an important factor.

The role of digital technology in the management system in the organization of the mechanism of development of information security with the help of information technology in the activities of public education in the digital economy is a complex multifaceted process, which is characterized by unique features and patterns. The process of information security management has an existing systemic nature, which provides for the creation of an appropriate management mechanism, identifying solutions to a particular problem, monitoring the relationship between individual databases, organizing the operation of the entire system in complex planning.


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How to Cite

Ways to Develop Information Security in Public Education Activities. (2022). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 31, 93-99. Retrieved from https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal/article/view/1644


