Synthesis of Polycrystalline Znxcd1-Xte Solid Solution Films by the Gas Transport Method in a Hydrogen Flow

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Оxide, film, ultrasound, no equilibrium, oxygen, defect, semiconductor structures


The effect of ultrasonic treatment on the generation characteristics of ¬the interface between the SDS of CdTe / СTO structures obtained by magnetron ion sputtering has been studied. It is shown that ultrasonic treatment leads to a decrease in the surface generation rate and an increase in the generation lifetime of minority charge carriers. The observed effects are related to the rearrangement of the defective structure of the transition ¬layer at the interface CdTe / TeO 2 and adjacent CdTe region in the SDS structure CdTe / CTO .


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How to Cite

Synthesis of Polycrystalline Znxcd1-Xte Solid Solution Films by the Gas Transport Method in a Hydrogen Flow. (2022). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 29, 4-10. Retrieved from



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