Study of Morphological Manifestations of the Effect of Acute Radiation on the Spleen of Experimental Animals

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Animals, Morphological


It is known that in the process of radiation of various manifestations, especially when exposed to acute radiation, the integrity and permeability of the membrane of the body's tissues is impaired, an increase in membrane permeability leads to the development of hydroponic dystrophy in the intracellular fluid and various micro - and Macroelements infiltration, the activation of proteins freely located in the cytoplasm, Hepatocyte hypoxia caused by venous fullness in the liver tissue leads to the development of large, medium and small-drop fatty dystrophy [4, 10].


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How to Cite

Study of Morphological Manifestations of the Effect of Acute Radiation on the Spleen of Experimental Animals. (2022). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 28, 24-31. Retrieved from


