Piezophotoresistive Qualities Of р-TlInSe2 Monocrystals

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elastic deformation, optical backlight, strain resistance properties, sensitivity, semiconductor strain measurement


The effect of uniaxial unalloyed deformation, temperature and optical lighting on tenzoresistive properties of p- TllnSe2 monocrystals is investigated. It is shown that with temperature increase sensitivity to TllnSe2 of unalloyed crystals toward deformation increases considerably, coefficient of tenzosensetivity at the same time increases linearly with temperature.


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How to Cite

Piezophotoresistive Qualities Of р-TlInSe2 Monocrystals. (2022). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 27, 52-58. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.v27i.1489


