Some Information About the System of the Surgal System of the Timurid Period
Fire-Rescue, Mobile, GarrisonsAbstract
Some information about the system of the surgal system of the Timurid period
This article is devoted to the surgal system of the Timurid period.
The insurance system under Amir Temur continued under his successors.
In the work of Abdurazzak, Samarkandi and other sources provide sufficient information about the surrogate system of the Temurids. Amir Temur and the Temurids also supported tribal leaders, military leaders, officials and religious scholars, who could play an important role in the government. In the history of the Timurid lands, the place and role of Shahrukh Mirza, the youngest son of Amir Temur, are great. The article analyzes the information presented in historical sources about the lands transferred to the suyurgal.
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