Problems and Goals of Recommender Systems

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recommendation system, collaborative filtering, content-based recommendation systems, hybrid recommender systems


Background. On the Internet, where the number of choices is overwhelming, there is need to filter, prioritize and efficiently deliver relevant information in order to alleviate the problem of information overload, which has created a potential problem to many Internet users. Recommender systems solve this problem by searching through large volume of dynamically generated information to provide users with personalized content and services. This paper explores the different characteristics and potentials of different prediction techniques in recommendation systems in order to serve as a compass for research and practice in the field of recommendation systems.

Method: In this article, we review the key advances in collaborative filtering recommender systems, focusing on the evolution from research concentrated purely on algorithms to research concentrated on the rich set of questions around the user experience with the recommender. We argue that evaluating the user experience of a recommender requires a broader set of measures than have been commonly used, and suggest additional measures that have proven effective.

Result: Based on our analysis of the state of the field, we identify the most important open research problems, and outline key challenges slowing the advance of the state of the art, and in some cases limiting the relevance of research to real-world applications.

Conclusion. Recommender systems are an advanced form of software applications, more specifically decision-support systems, that efficiently assist the users in finding items of their interest. 


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How to Cite

Problems and Goals of Recommender Systems. (2022). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 23, 95-104.


