Distance learning technologies in teaching pedagogical disciplines

  • (1)  Xodjiyeva Farog`at Oltiyevna             Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical institutes, of Pedagogy and Psychology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Uzbekistan  

  • (2)  Samiyeva Dilbar Shukrullayevna            She is a 1st year master's student at the Faculty of Art History of the Republic of Uzbekistan, majoring in Theory and History of Pedagogy  

    (*) Corresponding Author




distance learning, conditions, load regulation, foreign experience


The substantiation of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the effective
implementation of distance learning is carried out in the context of the strategic priorities of the
modernization of education related to ensuring its accessibility and continuity. Distance learning is
viewed as a purposeful process of organizing students' activities to master "compressed" human
experience, gain experience in creative activity and develop abilities for the purpose of applying and
acquiring knowledge throughout life through the use of distance learning technologies.
Information technologies and their use in the process of indirect interaction between students and
pedagogical workers can only indirectly contribute to the formation of the corresponding values and
rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, which in the future makes research on the "embedding"
of distance learning into the educational process in such a way that the upbringing function of education
has been updated.


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How to Cite

Xodjiyeva Farog`at Oltiyevna, & Samiyeva Dilbar Shukrullayevna. (2021). Distance learning technologies in teaching pedagogical disciplines. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11. https://doi.org/10.47494/mesb.2021.11.417




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