Bio-ecological features of Salsola Richteri Kar. in cultural conditions

  • (1)  Baltabaev Muratbay            Candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department "Botany, ecology and teaching methods",  

  • (2)  Kalbaeva Sarigul            Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaza Nukus, Republic of Karakalpakstan  

    (*) Corresponding Author



bioecological prosperities, high yield of seeds, resistance to salinity, root system, water saving, Kyzylkum, soil fertility


The article is devoted to the study of the bio-ecological features of the Richter's saltwort (salsola richteri kar.) In cultural conditions. Good growth of Cherkez on bare sands, high seed productivity, the ability to multiply by seeds and cuttings and tolerate significant salinity, powerful growth of the root system contributed to its promotion as a promising plant when the sands were consolidated.


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How to Cite

Baltabaev Muratbay, & Kalbaeva Sarigul. (2020). Bio-ecological features of Salsola Richteri Kar. in cultural conditions. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 1, 50-52.


