Assessment of the Major Factors Affecting Budget Preparation and Implementation in Ethiopian Public Universities (The Case of Mettu, Jimma and Wollega Universities)

  • (1)  Fulea Amena            Mettu University, Ethiopia  

    (*) Corresponding Author


Budget, organizational structure, Budget Utilization, Public Universities


This study was conducted on the Assessment of the Major Factors Affecting Budget Preparation and Implementation in Ethiopian Public Universities (The Case of Mettu, Jimma and Wollega universities). In order to achieve the objectives of the study, both questionnaire and interview was employed to collect primary data. The method used for sampling of respondents was simple random sampling.  Accordingly, sample sizes of 100 out of 135 total numbers of respondents have been included in the study. The collected data was analysed using SPSS.

The findings show that lack of Information Communication Technology; lack of transparency and accountability of budget utilization and corruption are the major factors affecting budget preparation and implementation in ethiopian public universities (the case of mettu, jimma and wollega universities). Based on these findings the researchers suggest that training should be given for employees and technology should be employed to manage the budgetary process and implementation.


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How to Cite

Amena, F. (2021). Assessment of the Major Factors Affecting Budget Preparation and Implementation in Ethiopian Public Universities (The Case of Mettu, Jimma and Wollega Universities). Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 16. Retrieved from


